How do I find the resolution of my computer?
Windows XP Minimize your running applications so the Windows desktop is displayed. Click the right mouse button and select "Properties" from the menu that appears. The "Display Properties" window will appear. Along the tabs at the top left click on "Settings". The currently selected resolution of your PC is displayed in the "Screen resolution" panel near the bottom. Note that in older versions of Windows this panel is labelled "Screen Area".
In this window you can also set the "colour depth" which is the number of colours which Windows uses.
Windows Vista Minimize your running applications so the Windows desktop is displayed. Click the right mouse button and select "Personalize" then left click "Display Settings". The window that appears wil show your resolution towards the bottom left.
Mac OSX - Click the Apple menu (top right), select "System Preferences" then click "Displays". The current resolution is highlighted.
Linux Gnome - One the desktop menu choose System -> Hardware -> Screen Resolution